Saturday, February 9, 2013

Spiffy new 'do

Our boy Bennett has been blessed with some pretty great hair. It was considerably darker at birth (more of a dirty blonde) and for a while he had a bit of a toupee thing going on with a lot on top and not much on the sides. It started getting pretty shaggy fairly early on...around 6 months or so? For quite some time his hair was fairly long in the front and I was constantly brushing it to the side out of his eyes, but was really balking at the idea of cutting it before a year. I don't know what it is about the one year mark that made me want to wait, but it took me a while to come to terms with the fact that my tiny baby wasn't so tiny anymore and might need yet another big "first" crossed off the list sooner than later. My mom trimmed his bangs when he was maybe 8 months, which was a bit terrifying but did the trick for a while. But recently it started getting out of control again and my mom's back in Florida, so I decided to bite the bullet and take him to real salon for a trim. I took him to a place nearby called "Kids Are Our Specialty" or "KAOS" for short. They had tons of TV's with the movie "Cars" playing. (We waited for a few minutes and Bennett was literally laughing watching the movie.) They have some cool car and motorcycle chairs that the kids can choose to sit in and also regular salon chairs, which Bennett used with a booster and Bumbo. I told the stylist, Barbara, that I didn't want a lot taken off the top or back, just a little off his bangs and over his ears. Before I knew it she was chopping away and Bennett had an all over hair cut! (I suppose that this is probably what had to happen to avoid having a weird super top heavy thing going on). My heart was literally racing and I nearly lost it watching my big boy sit there so calmly and patiently, just taking it all in and occasionally cracking a little smile. Barbara couldn't believe how well behaved he was and said that they have kids who are much older than him who don't behave nearly as well. She also thought he was pretty cute. I liked her ; ) She put some of the cut hair in a tiny plastic baggy and filled out a certificate for his first hair cut. 15 minutes and 18 dollars and my big boy and I were on our way!
before...lots of hair! proud of my good boy!

all done!


And now for a look back on the evolution of Bennett's hair.
newborn hair (so tiny!)

slight mohawk
looks so dark looking back!

much lighter, quite voluminous (5 months)
7 months
long bangs!

time for the very first trim

terrifying for all except Grammie

all trimmed up!
random curls

crazy after bath hair
It will be fun to see if he keeps the blonde like mommy or goes dark like his dad!

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